Digital Asset Management

Masi Agricola

MASI Agricola S.p.a., an important Veronese company in the world, produces Amarone and other fine wines.

Its wines are sold in over 120 countries.

The international development of the business has increased the complexity in the management of communication materials and the need has arisen to manage all the assets of corporate assets such as photos / images and videos centrally and more efficiently.


Masi needs a Digital Asset Management for the centralized collection of all company assets, in particular images and videos. The aim is to put in order all the materials accumulated over the years to keep them easily updated and use them easily and quickly without wasting time and resources.
Furthermore, thanks to DAM, it wants to make materials available to distributors worldwide in a controlled, safe and at the same time easy way.


To meet all the required needs, the eTEAM DAM module has been configured. In addition to the features that meet the needs listed, the software has other features and functions deemed interesting, including:

  • Converting image files
  • Access to search results saved and always updated dynamically
  • Possibility to use the google tagging service
  • Management of the state of life and the type of use of the file
  • Collection management


  • Uniqueness and optimization of content in a single data source
  • Optimization of the process of uploading images by photographers and approval
  • Effective sharing of corporate content with the network of distributors
  • Total control of the contents

With the DAM a workflow has been set up with different accesses for uploading and validating images. Subsequently, other content-related modules (PIM) and dynamic and controlled output creation (DMS) can be activated, to which the DAM files can be connected and monitored.

MARKET / Industry, Corporations

SOLUTION & SERVICES / eTEAM - DAM - CRM, Web Marketing, Communication Agency,