Project for the automation of printing order acquisition process

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4 Flying S.r.l. designs and implements solutions for multichannel communication, integrating knowledge, software and services. The company has been operating for over 30 years in the international market with marketing and IT analysis, consulting, technological innovations and graphic productions.

The company was funded by POR FESR 2014-2020 Axis 3 Action 3.1.1. for a total of € 9,953.06 for the realization of a Research and Development projectwhich has brought to an processinnovation,that can substantially change the relationship with customers and operators involved in the production process.

The project is designed for Print Services for the Retail World and it has led to the complete automation of the print order acquisition process that, through automated flow,it comes directly to the plotter, up to the delivery and then to the actual order evasion.
The project started in April 2016 and ended in November 2017.